Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Preschool on time, for once, even got my shower before leaving.
Had plans to attend 930am Weight Watchers, Lydia had difficult goodbye so I was going to be late.
Got Bakehouse. Muffin. Water.
Got a lot done at home, all the floors and laundry, etc. Bleh, kitchen seems overwhelming.
Barely got the trash out in time.

At preschool pick up, Lydia pitched a shovel of sand in to her own face. Awful!
Wiped it all off with help of teachers. Washed and washed inside, changed clothes and diapers.
Not happy with the sand still in her hair and eyes but thankfully she was not injured or unhappy or uncomfortable.

Lunch at home, Jimmy Johns. She is silly. Had fun in high chair with Creepy Baby.

Can sing the words to Hush Little Baby...if you stop the song she'll say the word at the end of a phrase. Impressed me!

Nap time another struggle after lots of loving talking, rocking, reading, nursing, went in crib. Less than 10 minutes, but she was just wild. Nursed and held her in bed. Gave up and took nape with her. Woke up around 430pm.

Took to Aunt Jean's house. Lydia happy to play there. Had dinner with Jean's family, ate ok. Had fun playing did well. Tired when I got back and happy to go home.
Weight Watchers was uneventful, nothing good or bad. I think the meeting aspect will only be helpful for accountability with the weigh in and goal weights. The online tracking will be much more useful than paper tracking. I wish I had a space age phone with an app to do it for me.
I entered what I had eaten today and was suprised I was only 2 pts over the goal. Maybe I can do this afterall.

Stayed up way too late.

Oh, randomly, Susan called asking to read bedtime stories to Lydia. She was here for bedtime and read some stories. Lydia was not loving, did not listen to stories or want to have hugs or kisses. I can tell this pissed off your Mom. Comments were made about how little she has seen her...since SUNDAY omfg. Oh whatever. She is watching her tomorrow night when I go to stupid bell choir.

I liked our phone calls today. Your voice sounds happy.
I REALLY miss you. More than I thought I could.
Staying busy sort of helps, but only in that I don't have time to dwell on being sad because I miss you so much. It doesn't make me miss you any less. I think that is why night time is going to be so hard and why I can't get to sleep. When I slow down and quiet down to sleep I miss you so much I can barely stand it.

Oh well, to take care of Lydia I've got to get some sleep, so I guess I'll go try.

Last thought: Grandma has surgery tomorrow. None of her kids or regular friends are available to help. I'm nervous being resposible for her and having Lydia. If something goes wrong I'm not sure what I will do. We have to be ready and at her house no later than 8am to get her to the hospital by 830am and then I have to get Lydia to school and I guess spend the rest of the time she is at preschool at the hospital with my Granmda. I am teaching 3 days for the American Red Cross in the next few weeks, so I've got to find a way to swing by there too.
I'm sure it will all be fine. It's honestly after she gets home that I am more worried about.

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